Course Registration
Course Catalog
The course contains most of the information you need to know about our class offerings and the scheduling process. If you have any questions along the way, our school staff will be happy to assist you.
The Career and College Readiness program offers a wide variety of courses and programs for all students. Each Career and College Readiness course meets occupational education credit requirements.
Schedule Changes
Choices made by students during registration are considered to be final. Offered courses and school staffing are based on the decisions students make during the registration process. However, schedule changes may be made on a limited basis for the following reasons:
- A graduation requirement must be added
- A student does not have the skills to continue in a year-long class
- Administrative withdrawal is requested
- Incomplete schedule
- Duplicate classes/obvious errors
- IEP/ELL placement issues
Any schedule change that does not meet these criteria is subject to administrative approval.