

It is never too early to get student athletes signed up in Final Forms

*Register now for Season 4 Sports: 6th Grade Girls Volleyball (cut sport), Boys 6th and 7/8 Soccer (cut sport) and Coed Track & Field (non-cut sport). Last day to register is 3/31/25 @ 12:00pm

**First day of practice and/or tryouts is March 31, 2025 

***Please note: There are NO after school activity buses

Practice/tryout times are from 2:40-4:10pm M, T, Th, and F.

Student athletes should report to their designated location (large gym, aux gym, field, etc.) by 2:40pm on tryout and practice dates.

Only students with complete FinalForms registration and a current physical on file will be able to participate in tryouts, practices, and games.




There are 3 steps to register students for sports:

1. REGISTRATION: Register your student athlete (all grades) on Final Forms.

2. SPORTS PHYSICAL: Student athletes need a current sports physical on file with the school. Sports physicals are good for two years from the date of the exam. You may upload the sports physical in FinalForms or send a paper copy to the main office. This must be done prior to the first day of practice or tryouts. Students without a sports physical WILL NOT be able to participate in practices, try-outs, and/or games.

3. PAYMENT: All athletes are asked to pay the $200.00 sports fee. Sports fees must be paid before the first game of the season. Please wait to pay for cut sports until your student has made the team. All athletes will need to pay $30.00 for an ASB membership if they have not already paid for the 2024-25 school year. 


  •  You can pay for your student's sport fee and ASB membership once teams are selected at:

  • You can also pay in the main office by cash, credit card, or check (please make checks out to Canyon Park MS).

  • Please don't let a financial need stop your student from participating in sports! If your student wants to participate and there is a financial need, please contact Debbi Fisher at or 425-408-6303.

If you have paid for 2 sports this school year, the athletic fee is waived-please check with Debbi Fisher if you are unsure of payment status.

ELIGIBILITY: Once a student is registered it is very important that they take steps to maintain their athletic eligibility throughout the sports season. Grade checks will be ran two times during each sports season. While not all inclusive, here are some very important eligibility requirements to keep in mind:

  • Students must maintain a GPA of 2.0 and be passing at five of six classes.

  • Students must attend two of three academic periods on a block day or four of six academic periods on a six-period day to be eligible for that day’s game/event.

For further information on eligibility please visit the Washington Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA).

PRACTICES: Practices will be on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 2:40pm -  4:10pm. No practices on Wednesdays.

TRANSPORTATION: Transportation is provided by bus to games and matches, but not back to Canyon Park. Parents and guardians are responsible for student transportation after games and practices. There are no activity buses provided after practices.

Athletic Secretary 
Debbi Fisher

Athletic Director
Hillary Radocaj