Art Club
Here's what you need to know:
If you love art, if you’re even a little curious about art, or if you’re currently in an art class and need extra time to work on your projects, then good news! Art Club is beginning, and we would love for you to join!
We meet Thursdays in Room 101 (the Art Room). You do NOT need to have taken an art class at Canyon Park to join Art Club! Just join our Schoology page to find out what we’re up to.
Art Club meets weekly on Thursdays from 2:40 – 4:00 PM. This is a drop in club and a sign-up sheet will be posted outside the art room every week. Up to 32 students may attend.
There are NO activity buses. Families are responsible for picking up their students once Art Club is over.
This page is the same as in previous years, so if you are already in it, you don’t need to rejoin. You and parents and guardians can also join the Parent Square CPMS Art Club group. I will use this to communicate information about art club, including reminders and cancellations.